Pulizia di Spiaggia a أكادير il 12/22/2024 alle 09:00
Organizing a beach cleaning day aligns with our objectives to foster environmental stewardship, raise public awareness about the negative impacts of pollution, and promote sustainable practices.
Pulizia a تلات نيعقوب il 12/22/2024 alle 10:30
Nestled in the breathtaking El Haouz region, the village of Imawnane is a place of beauty and community pride. As a volunteer, I will be organizing a trash pick-up initiative to help preserve the village’s natural charm and promote environmental awareness. This effort aims to bring together community members in a shared mission to create […]
Pulizia a تلمسان il 12/23/2024 alle 08:30
Cleaning day in the city with family and friends
Pulizia di Spiaggia a Saint-Aubin-sur-Mer il 12/23/2024 alle 10:00
Collecte de déchets sur la plage de Saint Aubin sur Mer (76). Tout le monde est le bienvenu (même les chiens) !
Pulizia a تلمسان il 12/24/2024 alle 09:00
Nous allons nettoyer l’université avec les professeurs et les élèves pour sensibiliser les étudiants
Pulizia a Carolles il 12/27/2024 alle 16:00
Le K’ROLL SURF CLUB organise une collecte de déchets hivernale sur Carolles Plage. Initiative citoyenne de collecte de déchets avec un goûter offert (Gâteaux, boissons fraiches et chaudes) par le club aux alentours de 16H00 fin de la collecte avant 18H00. Evènement à destination des petits et des grands avec l’ensemble du matériel nécessaire à […]
Pulizia a Seedi Badhaj il 12/28/2024 alle 13:00
Cleaning the natural areas from plastics
Pulizia a Tamale Metropolitan Assembly il 12/28/2024 alle 07:00
As part of our end of year activities we have organised a cleanup exercise to improve sanitation of the community.
Pulizia di Lago a Tamale Metropolitan Assembly il 12/29/2024 alle 10:00
Community cleanup especially around the community fam, school and chief palace
Pulizia a Thiès il 12/29/2024 alle 10:30
Nous voulons à l’occasion des fêtes de fin d’année, nettoyer notre quartier pour l’accueil des invités pour la fête des élèves programmée le 31 Décembre
Pulizia a تلمسان il 12/30/2024 alle 09:00
We will clean the children’s neighborhood with our friends so they can play and relax, and so they can see us cleaning and learn from it
Pulizia a امغراس il 12/30/2024 alle 10:00
My name is Hamza. I am a volunteer with the Africa Morocco organization in the village of Izalaghan Amghras, Al Haouz province. I want to organize a waste collection campaign in the village where I work. That is why I contacted you. Thank you.
Pulizia a اجوكاك il 12/30/2024 alle 11:00
This activity aims to bring the community together to clean up trash in our village, promoting environmental awareness and sustainable practices. Volunteers of all ages will join efforts to collect and properly dispose of waste, helping to restore the natural beauty of our surroundings while fostering a sense of collective responsibility for a cleaner, greener […]
Pulizia di Fiume a Tamale Metropolitan Assembly il 12/30/2024 alle 08:30
My community members and I want to organize cleaning up exercise on our community gutters and river side which is so dirty and not good for health.
Pulizia a Tamale Metropolitan Assembly il 12/30/2024 alle 07:00
This a community led initiative where community members come together to clean their environment for a healthier life
Pulizia a تلمسان il 12/31/2024 alle 09:00
We will be cleaning for two consecutive days, and there will be many friends helping with the cleaning, so we need more large gloves
Pulizia di Spiaggia a Barcelona il 12/31/2024 alle 09:00
CHANGEMAKERS BARCELONA (run by Yolanda MURIEL) with the help of OCEAN INITIATIVES, www.initiativesoceanes.org, organise a beach cleanup in Barcelona. The purspose is cleaning up as much waste as possible from Barceloneta Beach. It is mandatory to register to the event, if you want to take part of this cleanup. YOU ARE THE FOUNDATION FOR CHANGE […]
Pulizia a Tamale Metropolitan Assembly il 01/04/2025 alle 07:00
Keep Sahakpaligu Clean initiative was started to address the cleanliness and WASH efforts in the community. This is a continuous effort that will take place in the community. The inducible want to use this as a teaching lesson for students and younger generations to see the importance in keeping their home and surroundings clean or […]
Pulizia di Spiaggia a Lamballe-Armor il 01/04/2025 alle 15:00
Le club sportif lamballais Rêves d’apnée invite ses adhérents , amis et autres personnes motivées à venir collecter un maximum de déchets. En fin de collecte des galettes des rois seront partagées sur place. Les résultats de cette collecte seront remontés à l’administrateur de la réserve naturelle de la baie ainsi qu’à Surfrider.
Pulizia di Spiaggia a Erdeven il 01/05/2025 alle 14:00
Dans le cadre du Premier Bain de l’Année. Opération de sensibilisation aux déchets littoraux ouverte à tous.tes. Sacs et pinces fournis, prévoir des gants. Inscription sur place.
Pulizia a اغيل il 01/05/2025 alle 11:00
Assloun Village is taking a significant step toward a cleaner, greener future! Join us in a community-driven clean-up event to enhance our neighborhood’s beauty, health, and safety. This initiative focuses on collecting waste, recycling materials, and revitalizing public spaces, ensuring that our surroundings remain vibrant and welcoming for all. By working together, we will reduce […]
Pulizia di Spiaggia a Saint-Jouin-Bruneval il 01/05/2025 alle 10:00
Rendez-vous au Pôle Nautique pour la première collecte de l’année. C’est l’occasion de prendre vos bonnes résolutions pour la planète ! Bonne Année 2025 !
Pulizia di Spiaggia a Valencia il 01/05/2025 alle 10:00
Desde “Personas en Accion” queremos iniciar el año con una limpieza de playa al estilo de reyes magos, es por ello que al finalizar se realizara un sorteo para las personas que aporten una donacion economica a traves de su inscripcion o en el lugar.
Pulizia di Spiaggia a Lacanau il 01/09/2025 alle 15:00
Collecte collective de déchets sur la plage de Lacanau
Pulizia a Tamale Metropolitan Assembly il 01/09/2025 alle 07:00
Planning to organize a clean up exercise with my community members
Pulizia a Asni il 01/11/2025 alle 10:00
Organisation d’une campagne de sensibilisation et de collecte des déchets au profit de 70 élèves d’une école primaire dans les zones affectées par le séisme d’Al Haouz, afin de contribuer à leur résilience climatique.
Pulizia a Amizmeez il 01/12/2025 alle 09:00
Our community in Ageursouak Amghras is dedicated to preserving the natural environment and promoting sustainability. This cleanup event focuses on removing waste from our local area, raising awareness about the importance of environmental conservation, and fostering teamwork among participants. We aim to create a cleaner and healthier space for everyone while inspiring others to take […]
Pulizia di Spiaggia a Mimizan il 01/12/2025 alle 09:30
L’antenne de Surfrider Landes organise, en partenariat avec le Maeva surf Club, une collecte de déchets, suivi par un apéritif collectif (12h30). Venez nombreux! Rendez-vous à 09h30 au parking de la plage Remember, à côté du Maeva Surf Club.
Pulizia di Spiaggia a Abidjan il 01/15/2025 alle 13:00
*Session 2 Prélèvement P1* du Club Jeune Océan Abidjan (CJOA), mettant en avant la démarche scientifique (à travers la méthode PAID: Prélèvements, Analyses, Interprétations, Dialogue) avec les apprenants du Lycée Professionnel des Métiers de la Mode et du Social (LPMMS), sur la plage de Mondoukou (Grand-Bassam) accompagnés de 02 Educatrices (LPMMS), 03 Chercheurs (IRD + […]