Sacred Heart Seminary Minor School Cleanup

Organizzata da Marvic Refalo

Data & ora

Mercoledì 04/12/2024


XRA, Ix-Xagħra, MLT



On foot (beach/river banks)
Numero di bambini49
100 - 200m
Non esitate a fare domande sui rifiuti che avete trovato oppure a indicarci tutto quello che potrebbe essere utile per le Ocean Initiatives. Siete liberi di esprimervi: le idee migliori non devono rimanere chiuse in un cassetto!Most of the litter items collected were washed onto the beach by a storm a few days before. Amount was relatively small and consisted mainly of bottles. Only a few cigarette butts were found probably because it is not a popular swimming season at the moment. On the contrary, there were thousands of broken microplastics and nurdles on the beach. The students had to pick up these by hand as it was not even possible to sieve the sand because it was wet from heavy rain during the night. Hundreds of microplastics were hand picked during the cleanup.


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