Beach cleanup in Zumaia
Itsasoak eta ibaiek ekarritako hondakinen bilketa/Recogida de residuos de arribazón
Santiagotxikin mareek eta ur-jalek ekarritako hondakinak pilatzen dira. Gune hori Natura 2000 Sareko tokia da eta hegaztien migrazioetan toki ezaguna da. Zorionez, boluntario anonimo batzuek bertatik hondakinak kentzeko ohitura dute, baina, hala ere plastikozko hondakin txiki asko dago. Zati horiek hegaztientzako oso arriskutsuak dira, janaria direlakoan, irensten dituztelako. Beraz, bilketa honekin hondakin txiko horiek kendu nahi ditugu.
En Santiagotxiki se acumulan los residuos traídos por las mareas y el río. Este espacio pertenece a la Red Natura 2000 y es un lugar conocido en las migraciones de aves. Afortunadamente, algunas personas voluntarias y anónimas tienen la costumbre de retirar esos residuos, pero, a pesar de ello, hay un montón de pequeños residuos de plástico. Estos fragmentos son muy peligrosos para las aves, ya que se las tragan creyendo que son comida. Por lo tanto, con esta recogida pretendemos eliminar estos residuos.
Top 10 of collected items
Pieces of polystyrene 2,5-50 cm
Pieces of plastic 2,5-50 cm
Plastic bottle caps
Plastic bags and pieces
Food packaging
Confectionery packets and wrappers
Plastic bottles ≤ 0,5 L
Plastic cups
Plastic bottles except beverages (cleaning products, beauty products)
Tobacco products with filters | 0 |
Pieces of plastic between 2.5 and 50 cm | 500 |
Pieces of polystyrene between 2.5 and 50 cm | 500 |
Straws | 0 |
Confectionery packets and wrappers (crisp packets, chocolate bars, sweets, fruit purée pouches) | 54 |
Tires | 1 |
Plastic bags and pieces of plastic bags | 100 |
Sandals / shoes | 4 |
Stir-sticks | 0 |
Picnic dishes: plates | 0 |
Picnic dishes: cutlery | 0 |
Wet wipes (sanitary, textile) | 0 |
Toys | 8 |
Plastic cups, including lid | 36 |
Food packaging (tubs, sandwich wrappers, yoghurt containers, fast food wrappers) | 80 |
Sanitary / hygienic waste: Tampons and applicators | 2 |
Sanitary / hygienic waste: Cotton swabs | 14 |
Sanitary: Mask | 0 |
Medical waste plastic: Medicine packaging / tubes / vials | 10 |
Waste fishing gear: nets (including pieces of net), ropes, string, tangled nets and ropes. | 10 |
Waste fishing gear: fishing lines, hooks, bait boxes | 1 |
Shotgun cartridges | 2 |
Lollipop sticks | 0 |
Cigarette lighters | 14 |
Plastic bottles (drinks) over 50 cl | 9 |
Plastic bottles except beverages (cleaning products, beauty products) | 20 |
Plastic bottles (drinks) under 50 cl or = to 50 cl | 50 |
Plastic bottle caps | 106 |
Inflatable balloons | 0 |
Shellfish aquaculture-related litter (container, shellfish pot, plastic shellfish «sweep» film, etc.) | 0 |
Cans | 23 |
Bottle caps | 0 |
Pieces of iron or scrap iron | 2 |
Clothes, tea towels | 2 |
Glass bottles | 6 |
Glass pieces / ceramic pieces | 1 |
Local chapter
Here are the contact details of the volunteer chapter close to this cleanup.
Et retrouvez ici toutes nos antennes bénévoles.
Pour plus de questions, vous pouvez contacter
Facebook: @surfriderbcn | Instagram: @surfriderbarcelona
Itsasoak eta ibaiek ekarritako hondakinen bilketa/Recogida de residuos de arribazón
Date & hour
Sat 11/09/2024 11:00
Zumaia, Spain